Add Recipes to your Cookbook (from the Internet)

Learn how to import recipes from a source online, and how to use the Bulk Add ingredient feature.

Jeff avatar
Written by Jeff
Updated over a week ago

Video Instructions

Written Instructions

  • Click "Create" on the lefthand side of the screen in your professional profile. 

  • Click "Recipe" 

  • Click "Import From Website" 

  • Meal Garden will request the recipe’s URL address. Copy and paste the URL into the form provided and click ‘Submit’.

  • Meal Garden will import the recipe picture (if one exists) and show it in a popup.  Adjust it to your liking and click ‘Save’. 

Please Note: if you don’t like the image selected, you can upload another one later

  • Meal Garden will import the recipe information into its respective sections

  • Any sections marked in red needs to be corrected by selecting the appropriate ingredient ‘Name’ or ‘Measure’ from the database pop up menu

Please note: if the ingredient or measure you are looking for isn’t there, enter it anyway and our staff will be notified to correct or add it

  • As websites vary in how they format their recipes, sometimes Meal Garden has a difficult time importing ingredients correctly. If no ingredients were imported, use the ‘Bulk Add’ feature.  Simply cut and copy the ingredients from the original recipe into the dialog (with one ingredient per line) and click "Add".

  • click ‘Save Changes’ at the bottom of the screen

PRO TIP: verify that all the information has been imported correctly by comparing Meal Garden’s recipe to the website’s original recipe. Fill in any missing information in all sections.

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