How to Quickly Schedule Recipes into a Meal Plan or Recipe Collection

Learn how to use our 'quick scheduler' feature

Jeff avatar
Written by Jeff
Updated over a week ago

To quickly create meal plans, use our quick scheduler feature. This feature allows you to choose recipes you would like to add to your meal plan or recipe collection and create a 'parking lot' of recipes at the base of the meal plan. From there, you can drag and drop those chosen recipes into the correct meal time slots where you want them. This fast and efficient way will help make you create new plans in a flash. 

Here's how it's done!


Click "recipes" (1). You will notice that in the top left corner of each recipe photo there will be a small white box (2)

Click on all the recipes you would like to add to your meal plan. You will notice two new buttons appear at the bottom of the screen once you have checked at least one box. By clicking on the 'Add to Plan' (3) button, you can add the checked recipes to a meal plan. By clicking on the 'Add to Collection' (4) button, you can add the checked recipes to a recipe collection.

Clicking on either of these buttons will bring up a new pop up window. Use the drop down menu (5) to choose which of your existing meal plans or recipe collections you would like to add the selected recipes to. When you have chosen, click 'Add' (6). 


If you are using the quick scheduler for a meal plan, go to the meal plan you added the new recipes to by clicking 'Meal Plans' (7) on the left toolbar. Click on the meal plan you added the recipes to (8).

Once you are in that plan's main page, click 'Meals' (9).

At the base of the schedule, you will see a section called 'Meals with no selected days' where you will see all the recipes you quickly added previously by checking off the boxes. You can now drag and drop those recipes into the correct place. 

Continue until the whole meal plan is complete!

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