Create a Program

Learn what Programs are used for, how to create one, and about all their many features.

Jeff avatar
Written by Jeff
Updated over a week ago

Programs are a way to bundle your content to clients. You can add any of your Meal Garden content including Meal Plans, Recipe Collections, and Reading Materials to a Program. Programs can be free, or priced in Canadian or US dollars.

Video Instructions

Written Instructions

Click 'Create' button (1), click 'New Program' (2) along the left-hand side menu. This will open the program's 'Details' page.

Name the Program (4), enter the 'Purchase page blurb:' (5). This message shows up when someone is buying the program.

The image below shows what the client will see when they check out.

Please Note: find program payout information under 'Terms’ on your Public Profile 

Enter a Short Description (6) that will accurately explain the program. Upload a Social Sharing Image (7), and if you wish to feature an article on the Program's home page, select one from your Reading Material (8).

If you wish to have the program's content visible on its home page, check 'Show content:' (9). Check "Show 'Browse by' navigation" (10) if you want to display the content in the program by customized categories. Enter the price (11) and currency (12) of the program. Decide whether the billing (13) for this program will be a one time purchase or a monthly subscription. Then decide what order (14) you want the content to be displayed within the program. Finally, you have the option of 'closing' (15) a program after some time to make it inactive. Don't forget to click 'Save' (16).

When saved, 'Content' tab (1) will appear in the left-hand menu. Click this new option to begin adding content to your Program. Click 'Add Content' (2) to begin creating new content or adding existing content directly from this page (3).

Please Note: regardless of the contents privacy settings , if you pin it to a Program, it becomes accessible to anyone that has purchased that Program, or to anyone you have shared the Program's URL with.

To help you keep track of sales, you can access the Program's statistics (1) in the left-hand menu on the Program's edit page.

Note: Not very good results for Jeff, but he's working on it! 

In addition to viewing results, you can download a list of the transactions to excel. 

Finally, when a purchase is made, you will receive an email (or sms) from Meal Garden. 

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