How to Create a Recipe

Learn how to manually input recipes that you've personally created, or that you have in print (cookbook/magazine).

Jeff avatar
Written by Jeff
Updated over a week ago

Video Instructions

Written Instructions

Input Recipe:

  • Click on the ‘Create’ tab along the top right menu bar and then select 'New Recipe'

  • Fill in the ‘Recipe Title’ (1) and add a short ‘Description’ (2)

  • Enter an ingredient into the ‘Name’ box (3) and select your ingredient from the popup menu that appears, which shows all the ingredients in the Meal Garden database that match what you’ve entered  

Please Note: if the ingredient you are looking for isn’t there, enter it anyway and our staff will be notified to correct/add it.

  • Enter a number in the ‘Amount’ section (4), and then a measurement in the ‘Measure’ section (5) and select from the popup menu that appears, which shows all the measurements for the ingredient you entered 

Please Note: if a measure is missing, enter it anyway and our staff will be notified to correct it or add it. 

PRO TIP: make sure the amounts are accurate because Meal Garden uses this information to calculate nutrition. It also this information to generate a grocery shopping list for any Meal Plan or Recipe Collection in which the recipe is used.

  • In the ‘Comment’ section (6), you can add remarks about ingredients if you wish

To the left to each ingredient you will see 3 symbols:

Please Note: to insert a recipe with a recipe, click the 'Add Sub-Recipe' button

  • Clicking 'Prep' symbol will result in ‘Advanced Preparations:’ (7) appearing below the ingredient list. Enter the ‘Preparation Instructions’ (8) and select how many days in advance the ingredient must/can be prepared (9). If you wish, add the ‘Maximum’ amount of days the ingredients can be prepped in advance (10). Check ‘Optional’ if the prep step is not mandatory (11).

PRO TIP: use this ‘Advanced Preparations’ feature as much as possible because it generates a Prep List for any Meal Plan or Recipe Collection in which the recipe is used.

  • Enter the recipe instructions In the ‘Instructions’ section (12). Fill in the number of Servings (13), Preparation Time (14), and Cooking Time (15). 

  • Select ‘What kind of dish it is’ (16) and tag it (17) if you wish [#16 and #17 categorize the recipe for searches]. Now, establish the accessibility settings (18) ['publicly visible']. Comments will automatically be enabled, but you can remove this feature by unchecking the 'Are Comments Enabled' box (19).

  • Upload a picture of the dish in the ‘Upload an Image Now’ area (20). If necessary, add additional 'Notes:' (21) for the recipe.

  • In the ‘Adapted from’ section (22), enter the source of the recipe (cook book title, magazine title, your name [if it's your recipe]), and provide a link to the original (23). Review the recipe for errors, then click ‘Save Changes’ (24).

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